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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Slaanesh Units

The Slaanesh faction is known for their fast, deadly, and seductive tactics. They are masters of magic and trickery, and their units excel in close combat.

In Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Slaanesh armies are a force to be reckoned with, and in this article, we will be discussing the top 10 best units for the Slaanesh faction.

10) Infernal Enrapturess


Point cost: 120-200
A support unit that excel in magic. They have the ability to cast spells and give nearby units bonuses to their hit rolls. They are also fast-moving and can keep up with other units on the battlefield.

To use Infernal Enrapturesses effectively, keep them close to other units to benefit from their aura abilities. Use their spells to damage enemy units and their hit roll bonuses to help nearby units in combat.

9) Exalted Seeker Chariot


Point cost: 140-480

Exalted Seeker Chariots are fast-moving vehicles that excel in combat. They have a high number of attacks and can deal mortal wounds to enemy units. They also have the ability to heal themselves and nearby units.

To use Exalted Seeker Chariots effectively, charge them into enemy lines to deal damage and use their healing ability to keep them and nearby units alive.

8) Slickblade Seekers


Point cost: 140-480

Slickblade Seekers are fast-moving cavalry units that excel in combat. They have a high number of attacks and can move quickly across the battlefield. They also have the ability to ignore modifiers to their hit rolls.

To use Slickblade Seekers effectively, use their speed to get around enemy units and charge them into combat. Use their ability to ignore hit roll modifiers to maximize their damage output.

7) Blissbarb Archers


Point cost: 110-360

Blissbarb Archers are a unit in Age of Sigmar that belong to the Hedonites of Slaanesh army. Their strength lies in their ability to deal damage in both ranged and melee combat, their mobility, and their ability to inflict maximum suffering on their enemies.

They wield treasured bows with arrowheads that are crafted to ensure maximum suffering. The Blissbarb Archers are also equipped with piercing claws that allow them to deal damage in melee combat. They have the ability to dance around the battlefield, loosing volleys of deadly arrows, and can run and shoot in the same turn.

The Blissbarb Archers are also fast and highly mobile, making them difficult to pin down on the battlefield. They are a versatile unit that can be used effectively in a variety of situations and can synergize well with other units in the Hedonites of Slaanesh army.

6) Herald of Slaanesh


Point cost: 90-120

Heralds of Slaanesh are support units that excel in magic. They have the ability to cast spells and give nearby units bonuses to their hit rolls. They are also fast-moving and can keep up with other units on the battlefield.

To use Heralds of Slaanesh effectively, keep them close to other units to benefit from their aura abilities. Use their spells to damage enemy units and their hit roll bonuses to help nearby units in combat.

5) Seekers


Point cost: 120-400

Seekers are fast-moving cavalry units that excel in combat. They have a high number of attacks and can move quickly across the battlefield. They also have the ability to re-roll failed hits in combat.

Seekers are a powerful unit in Age of Sigmar due to their incredible speed, mobility, and ability to deal damage in both ranged and melee combat.

They have a high movement speed and the ability to run and charge in the same turn, making them one of the fastest units in the game. In combat, they have a strong melee profile and the ability to deal mortal wounds on a 6+ to hit.

They also have the ability to shoot with their deadly claws, which can be effective against lightly armored units. Additionally, Seekers have several synergies with other Slaanesh units, such as the ability to grant nearby units additional attacks or bonuses to hit.

4) Fiends


Point cost: 140-480

Fiends are fast-moving monsters that excel in close combat. They have a high number of attacks and can deal mortal wounds to enemy units. They also have the ability to heal themselves and nearby units.

To use Fiends effectively, charge them into enemy lines to deal damage and use their healing ability to keep them and nearby units alive.

3) Hellstriders with Hellscourges


Point cost: 140-480

Hellstriders are fast-moving cavalry units that excel in close combat. They have a high number of attacks and can deal mortal wounds to enemy units. They also have the ability to retreat and charge in the same turn, making them very versatile.

To use Hellstriders effectively, use their speed to get around enemy units and charge them into combat. Use their ability to retreat and charge to get out of combat and charge back in to deal more damage.

2) Daemonettes


Point cost: 70-240

Daemonettes are the basic infantry unit for the Slaanesh faction. They are fast, deadly, and have a high number of attacks.

They also have the ability to re-roll failed hits in combat. Daemonettes are a great unit to use in large numbers to overwhelm enemy units.

In combat, they have a strong melee profile and the ability to deal mortal wounds on a 6+ to hit. They also have the ability to shoot with their piercing claws, which can be effective against lightly armored units.

1) Keeper of Secrets


Point cost: 260-370

The Keeper of Secrets is a powerful daemon of Slaanesh in Age of Sigmar, and is considered one of the strongest units in the army. This towering figure is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, possessing a range of abilities that make it a formidable opponent.

One of the Keeper of Secrets’ main strengths is its incredible speed and mobility. This unit has a high movement speed and the ability to fly, allowing it to quickly move around the battlefield and engage with enemy units.

This mobility also makes it difficult for opponents to pin down and attack, as it can easily move out of danger.

In combat, the Keeper of Secrets is a fearsome opponent. It has a high number of attacks and a strong melee profile, with the ability to deal mortal wounds on a 6+ to hit.

It also has several powerful abilities, such as the Symphony of Pain, which allows it to deal additional mortal wounds to enemy units within 6 inches. Additionally, the Keeper of Secrets has the ability to heal itself at the start of each turn, making it even more difficult to take down.

The Keeper of Secrets is also a durable unit, with a high number of wounds and a strong save. This makes it difficult for opponents to take down, even with concentrated fire.

The Keeper of Secrets also has several synergies with other Slaanesh units, such as the ability to grant nearby units additional attacks or bonuses to hit.

This makes it a great centerpiece for a Slaanesh army, as it can help boost the effectiveness of other units on the battlefield.