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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Soulblight Gravelord Units

In this article, we will be looking at the top 10 best Soulblight Gravelord units that can be used to create a deadly force on the battlefield.

Whether you’re looking for fast and deadly cavalry, durable battleline units, or powerful heroes, the Soulblight Gravelords army has something for everyone.

So, let’s dive in and take a closer look at the top 10 best Soulblight Gravelord units.

10) Terrorgheist


The Terrorgheist is a powerful Soulblight Gravelords unit that is a staple in many armies. It is a large flying monster that can deal significant damage to enemy units and support your own. The Terrorgheist is a bloodthirsty undead beast whose piercing cry scythes through the enemy as it plunges into the fray.

Should the creature be slain, another horror awaits its foes, as hundreds of shrieking bats burst from its remains to ravage those nearby.

The Terrorgheist is one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of its high damage output and durability. It has a high number of attacks and can deal significant damage to enemy units. Additionally, it is very durable, with a 4+ save and the ability to heal itself during the hero phase.

Furthermore, the Terrorgheist has a powerful ability called Death Shriek, which allows it to deal mortal wounds to enemy units within range. This can be devastating to enemy units and can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favor.

9) Necromancer


Necromancers are mortals who seek to attain mastery over death and wield the foulest Shyishan magics. They can command the undead to rise from their graves and grant them an unholy impetus, while shielding themselves from harm.

The Necromancer is one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of its powerful abilities and support role.

It can cast powerful spells that can damage enemy units or heal friendly ones. Additionally, it can summon new units of skeletons or zombies to the battlefield, providing you with more troops to use in your army.

Furthermore, the Necromancer has a powerful command ability called “Masters of Death”, which allows friendly Soulblight Gravelords units within range to reroll hit rolls of 1. This can be a significant boost to your army’s offensive capabilities and can help you to take down enemy units more easily.

8) Vyrkos Blood-born


Vyrkos Blood-borns are the most cunning and ruthless of the Soulblight vampires. They are skilled hunters and can track their prey across any terrain.

They are also masterful fighters, with a deadly combination of speed and strength.

The Vyrkos Blood-born is one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of its high mobility and offensive capabilities. It has a high number of attacks and can deal significant damage to enemy units.

Additionally, it is very fast and can move across the battlefield quickly, making it an excellent unit for hunting down enemy heroes or supporting your own army.

Furthermore, the Vyrkos Blood-born has a powerful ability called “Savage Strike”, which allows it to deal additional damage to enemy heroes or monsters.

This can be devastating to enemy units and can quickly turn the tide of battle in your favor.

7) Zombies


Deadwalker Zombies are corpses reanimated by dark magic, and they are clumsy but relentless in their attacks.

When a model in the unit is slain by an attack made with a melee weapon, the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound on a roll of 5+. Additionally, those who fall to a Deadwalker’s bite often come to join the unliving horde.

Deadwalker Zombies are considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of their durability and ability to swarm the enemy.

They are a cheap unit that can be fielded in large numbers, making them ideal for screening more valuable units or overwhelming the enemy with their sheer numbers.

Their ability to deal mortal wounds to attackers and the potential to bring fallen enemies into their ranks make them a formidable force on the battlefield.

In summary, Deadwalker Zombies are a cheap and durable unit in the Soulblight Gravelords army that can be fielded in large numbers to swarm the enemy and deal mortal wounds to attackers.

6) Coven Throne


The Coven Throne is ridden by a Vampire Lady and her acolytes, and from atop the Throne, they mark the most intriguing foes. Those chosen are beguiled even as they are torn asunder, their blood drained into a mystical font and used to scry the tangled paths to victory.

The Coven Throne is armed with a Predatory Bite and Stiletto, and it is accompanied by Handmaidens who attack with their Needlesharp Poniards. The Spectral Host of the Coven Throne attacks with their Spectral Claws and Blades.

The Coven Throne is considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of its versatility and powerful abilities. The Coven Throne has several abilities, including “Aura of Dark Majesty,” which allows it to subtract 1 from the bravery characteristic of enemy units within range.

It has “Blood Shield,” which allows it to ignore wounds on a roll of a 5 or 6, and “Mystical Scrying,” which allows it to reroll charge rolls.

Furthermore, the Coven Throne has a powerful command ability called “Blood Feast,” which allows it to select a friendly unit within range and heal it for d3 wounds for each model slain by the unit in the current turn.

This can be a significant boost to your army’s survivability and can help you to keep your units on the battlefield for longer

5) Grave Guard


Grave Guard are the elite housecarls of the Deathrattle Kingdoms who march into battle at the side of their lords. They are armed with cursed blades that glow with an unearthly light, wreathed in powerful deathly enchantments that allow them to kill with the merest touch.

Grave Guard is considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of their durability and offensive capabilities.

They are a tough unit with a high save, and they can be fielded in large numbers, making them ideal for holding objectives or screening more valuable units.

They also have a powerful ability called “Champion’s Deathblow,” which allows one model in the unit to make an extra attack on a roll of a 6+ when attacking with a Wight Blade.

Furthermore, Grave Guard can be buffed by various abilities and spells in the Soulblight Gravelords army.

For example, the Vyrkos Blood-born’s “Fury of the Damned” ability allows friendly units within range to reroll wound rolls of 1, which can significantly increase the damage output of Grave Guard.

The “Lord of Nagashizzar” command trait allows the general to reroll hit rolls of 1 for friendly Deathrattle units within range, which can further increase the effectiveness of Grave Guard in combat

4) Dire Wolves


A unit of Dire Wolves has any number of models, each armed with Rotting Fangs and Claws. Additionally, one in every ten models in the unit must be a Doom Wolf, which adds 1 to the Attacks characteristic of that model’s Rotting Fangs and Claws.

Dire Wolves are a fast unit that can be used to harass and distract enemy units, and they hit hard on the charge.

Dire Wolves are considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of their speed, versatility, and offensive capabilities.

They are a Battleline unit, which means they can be taken as part of a battleline formation, and they are relatively cheap, which makes them an attractive option for players looking to fill out their army.

Dire Wolveshey can be used to screen more valuable units or to charge into enemy lines and disrupt their formation. Their Rotting Fangs and Claws can also deal significant damage, especially when combined with the “Hungering Pack” ability, which allows them to reroll wound rolls of 1 if they charged in the same turn.

The Vyrkos Blood-born’s “Fury of the Damned” ability allows friendly units within range to reroll wound rolls of 1, which can significantly increase the damage output of Dire Wolves.

Additionally, the “Lord of Nagashizzar” command trait allows the general to reroll hit rolls of 1 for friendly Deathrattle units within range, which can further increase the effectiveness of Dire Wolves in combat

3) Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon


Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon is a single model armed with either a Deathlance or Vampiric Sword, and it has access to several unique abilities, such as “Aura of Dark Majesty,” which reduces the Bravery of enemy units within range, and “Supernatural Horror,” which causes enemy units within range to suffer a -1 penalty to hit rolls.

The Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon also has access to a range of spells from the Lore of the Vampires, which can be used to heal itself, debuff enemy units, or deal damage.

The Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon is considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of its versatility and offensive capabilities. It is a powerful hero that can be used to buff friendly units, debuff enemy units, and deal significant damage in combat.

Its mount, the Zombie Dragon, is a tough monster with a high save and a range of powerful attacks, such as its Pestilential Breath and Snapping Maw. The Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon can also be customized with various artifacts, command traits, and spells to suit different playstyles and army compositions.

The “Fury of the Damned” ability of the Vyrkos Blood-born allows friendly units within range to reroll wound rolls of 1, which can significantly increase the damage output of the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon.

Additionally, the “Lord of Nagashizzar” command trait allows the general to reroll hit rolls of 1 for friendly Deathrattle units within range, which can further increase the effectiveness of the Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon in combat

2) Vargheists


Vargheists are leather-winged horrors that were once vampires but have since been reduced to savage and near uncontrollable beasts, attacking any prey in sight with their tearing claws and sharp fangs. They are a melee-focused unit with high mobility and decent damage output, making them ideal for flanking enemy lines or taking out key targets.

Vargheists are considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of their versatility and offensive capabilities.

They are a fast unit that can quickly close the gap with enemy units and deal significant damage in close combat. Their ability to fly also allows them to bypass terrain and other obstacles, making them highly mobile and difficult to pin down.

Additionally, Vargheists have access to several unique abilities, such as their “Savage Strike” ability, which allows them to make additional attacks on a 6+ to hit, and their “Scream of Ghosts” ability, which causes enemy units within range to suffer a -1 penalty to hit rolls.

Vargheists can also be customized with various artifacts, command traits, and spells to suit different playstyles and army compositions

1) Blood Knights


Blood Knights are heavily armoured cavalry that ride undead horses into battle, armed with either Templar Lances or Templar Blades. They are a powerful melee unit with high mobility and decent damage output, making them ideal for charging into enemy lines and taking out key targets.

Blood Knights can also be customized with various artifacts, command traits, and spells to suit different playstyles and army compositions.

Blood Knights are considered one of the best Soulblight Gravelords units because of their versatility and offensive capabilities. They are a heavily armored melee unit that can quickly close the gap with enemy units and deal significant damage in close combat. T

heir high mobility and access to unique abilities, such as their “Riders of Ruin” ability, which allows them to deal mortal wounds to enemy units they charge through, make them highly versatile and difficult to counter.

Additionally, Blood Knights have access to several unique command abilities, such as “Deathly Charge,” which allows them to make additional attacks on the charge, and “Sanguine Blur,” which increases their movement speed and allows them to re-roll charge rolls. These abilities make Blood Knights highly effective at taking out key enemy units and disrupting enemy battle plans