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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Soulblight Gravelord Units

The Soulblight Gravelords are led by powerful vampire lords and include a variety of units such as vampires, skeletons, zombies, and monstrous creatures like blood knights and terrorgheists.

The Soulblight Gravelords are a good faction in Age of Sigmar due to their versatility and power. They have access to a wide range of units that can be used in a variety of ways, from overwhelming opponents with hordes of undead to striking with powerful monsters and elite vampire units.

They also have strong magic capabilities, with access to unique spells and abilities that can weaken their enemies or strengthen their own units.

One of the advantages of the Soulblight Gravelords is their ability to regenerate units during battle.

This is due to their unique “Deathless Minions” ability, which allows them to ignore wounds on a roll of 6, making them much more durable in combat.

They also have access to powerful command abilities that can enhance their units’ abilities or debuff their opponents, making them a formidable force on the battlefield!

10) Coven Throne


The Coven Throne is a unique unit that is ridden by a vampire and accompanied by acolytes armed with Needle-sharp Blades. The Coven Throne is considered one of the best units in the Soulblight Gravelord army for several reasons.

Firstly, the Coven Throne is a powerful wizard unit that can attempt to cast one spell in your hero phase and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase. This makes it a valuable asset for controlling the battlefield and supporting other units in your army.

Secondly, the Coven Throne is a flying unit, which allows it to move over other units and terrain, giving it greater mobility and flexibility on the battlefield.

9) Necromancer


The Necromancer is considered one of the best units in the army due to its ability to summon units and its powerful spellcasting abilities.

The Necromancer has a unique ability called “Summon Dead,” which allows it to summon units of Skeleton Warriors or Zombies to the battlefield. This ability can be used once per turn, making the Necromancer a valuable asset for replenishing lost units or creating new ones.

In addition to its summoning ability, the Necromancer is a powerful wizard that can attempt to cast two spells in your hero phase and attempt to unbind one spell in the enemy hero phase. This makes it a valuable asset for controlling the battlefield and supporting other units in your army.

8) Fell Bats


Fell Bats known for their speed and mobility on the table. Each model in a Fell Bats unit is armed with Elongated Fangs.

Able to fly over scenery and models, you can reposition them to your heart’s content.

Also, Fell Bats are a relatively cheap unit in terms of points cost, making them an effective choice for filling out the battleline requirements of a Soulblight Gravelord army.

Players love to include a unit or two of Fell Bats, simply due to their flanking threats and mobility.

7) Dire Wolves


Dire Wolves another unit known for their speed and their ability to quickly engage enemy units in battle.

In terms of point cost, they are another relatively cheap unit in terms of points cost. They are similar to Fell Bats, only they can’t fly, but are stronger fighters.

In addition, Dire Wolves have a unique ability called “Slavering Charge,” which grants them a bonus to hit and wound rolls in the combat phase if they made a charge move in the same turn.

This ability makes Dire Wolves a highly effective unit for engaging and disrupting enemy units!

6) Gravelords Vampires


The Gravelords Vampires are vampire lords and ladies that lead the undead legions into battle.

Versatile units that can be customized to suit different playstyles. They have access to a wide range of spells, abilities, and command traits that can be used to enhance their combat prowess and support other units in the army.

In addition, Gravelords Vampires have access to an ability called “Deathly Invocation,” which allows them to heal nearby undead units and bring back slain models.

Regenerating models is the lifeblood of any Soulblight Gravelord force, you should make use of it as much as possible.

5) Bloodseeker Palanquin


The Bloodseeker Palanquin is a huge, unique and deadly unit that is designed to bolster other vampiric units and slay enemy heroes.

Ridden by a Sanguinarch armed with a Bloodletting Blade, it has a spectral host armed with Spectral Claws and Blades.

It even has an ability labelled “The Hunger,” which allows Soulblight creatures to heal themselves by drinking the blood of defeated foes.

In addition, it counts as a wizard! So it can even use spells, just in case your main caster is slain.

4) Varghulf Courtier


The Varghulf Courtier is a fast and agile unit that can move quickly across the battlefield and strike at vulnerable enemy units.

One of the Varghulf Courtier’s most powerful abilities is its “Savage Strike” ability, which allows it to deal extra damage to enemy units that have already suffered wounds.

This ability can help the Varghulf Courtier quickly eliminate enemy units and clear a path for other units in the army.

Such vast amounts of mobility and power does come at a heavy points cost. However, it’s well worth the investment as this model can be a nightmare for your opponent to handle.

3) Crypt Horrors


Crypt Horrors are monstrous infantry with powerful attacks and high durability, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

Known for their ability to deal significant damage to enemy units, thanks to their “Monstrous Claws” ability, which allows them to make multiple attacks with their massive claws.

Not only this, Crypt Horrors have a high number of wounds and a good armor save, making them difficult to take down.

Strong stats across the board for a nice point cost make this unit a must-have for any army build!

2) Vargheists


Vargheists are monstrous infantry with wings, making them a fast and mobile option. Also, they are renowned for combat prowess and tankiness.

High offensive stats allow them to cleave through units with ease, and they can easily pick and choose their preferred fights.

Able to benefit from the “Deathless Minions” ability of nearby Necromancers, which allows them to ignore wounds on a roll of 6. This makes Vargheists even more durable and difficult to eliminate.

Furthermore, Vargheists can be buffed by Vampire Lords using their “Lord of the Dead” ability, which provides nearby Soulblight units with a bonus to hit and wound rolls.

You can see just how strong Vargheists can be with some powerful Lords alongside them!

1) Blood Knights


Blood Knights are elite vampire warriors mounted on powerful Nightmares, and are known for their crimson-colored armor and ornate weapons.

They have a powerful melee attack that deals mortal wounds on a roll of 6, making them effective against heavily armored opponents. Or even units with high saving throws!

Their Nightmares also have a powerful “Trample Under Hooves” ability that can deal damage to multiple enemy units in a single turn.

In addition to their offensive capabilities, Blood Knights are also very durable. They have a high wound count and a 3+ armor save, making them difficult to kill in combat.

Overall, Blood Knights are a strong and versatile unit in Age of Sigmar, with high damage output, and durability. For these reasons, Blood Knights are surely the best unit available to the Soulblight Gravelords!