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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Stormcast Eternals Units

The Stormcast Eternals are one of the main factions in the Age of Sigmar tabletop wargame. They are a force of immortal warriors created by Sigmar, the God-King of Azyr, to defend the Mortal Realms from the forces of Chaos. The Stormcast Eternals are essentially Sigmar’s elite warriors, imbued with the power of the heavens themselves.

In terms of lore, the Stormcast Eternals were created by Sigmar during the Age of Chaos, a time when the forces of Chaos were threatening to destroy the Mortal Realms.

Sigmar forged these warriors from the souls of the greatest heroes of the Mortal Realms, imbuing them with his own divine power and sending them out to fight against the forces of Chaos.

In terms of gameplay, the Stormcast Eternals are a highly versatile army with a lot of different unit options. They are known for their durability, with many of their units having high toughness and strong saves.

They are also highly mobile, with many units having the ability to fly or teleport around the battlefield. In combat, they are a force to be reckoned with, with many units having powerful melee attacks and the ability to deal mortal wounds.

10) Sequitors


Point cost: 130 points

Sequitors are heavily armored infantry units armed with Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields. Stormsmite Mauls are melee weapons that have a -1 Rend and deal 1 damage each, while Soulshields give them a +1 to save rolls.

With the ability to use Redemption Cache and Stormsmite Greatmaces, Sequitors are a versatile and powerful unit on the battlefield. With a movement of 5″, 2 wounds, and a 4+ save, Sequitors are a solid and reliable unit for any Stormcast Eternals army.

9) Lord-Exorcist


Point cost: 120 points

The Lord-Exorcist is a powerful wizard armed with an Exorcist’s Staff, which is a melee weapon that has a -1 Rend and deals 1 damage each.

The Lord-Exorcist also has the ability to use Spirit Flasks, which can heal friendly units or deal mortal wounds to enemy units. With a movement of 5″, 6 wounds, and a 4+ save, the Lord-Exorcist is a durable and effective unit on the battlefield.

8) Prosecutors


Point cost: 110 points

Prosecutors are flying units armed with Celestial Hammers, which are melee weapons that have a -1 Rend and deal 1 damage each.

They also have the ability to use Aetheric Wings, Aetheric Endurance, and Aetheric Runes, which allows them to fly across the battlefield and provide support to your army.

With a movement of 12″, 3 wounds, and a 4+ save, Prosecutors are a great unit for harassing enemy units and providing aerial support to your army.

7) Knight-Incantor


Point cost: 140 points

The Knight-Incantor is a powerful wizard armed with an Arcane Bolt and a Staff of Focus. The Staff of Focus is a melee weapon that has a -1 Rend and deals 1 damage each.

The Knight-Incantor also has the ability to use Spirit Flask, which can heal friendly units or deal mortal wounds to enemy units.

With a movement of 5″, 5 wounds, and a 4+ save, the Knight-Incantor is a versatile and powerful unit on the battlefield.

6) Castigators


Point cost: 120 points

Castigators are ranged units armed with Castigator’s Thunderbolts, which are ranged weapons that have a -1 Rend and deal 1 damage each.

They also have the ability to use Celestial Vindicators and Lightning Stride, which allows them to move across the battlefield quickly.

With a movement of 5″, 2 wounds, and a 4+ save, Castigators are a great unit for providing ranged support to your army.

5) Liberators


Point cost: 100 points

Liberators are the backbone of the Stormcast Eternals army. They are heavily armored infantry units armed with Warhammers and Sigmarite Shields.

Warhammers are melee weapons that have a -1 Rend and deal 1 damage each, while Sigmarite Shields give them a +1 to save rolls. With a movement of 5″, 2 wounds, and a 4+ save, Liberators are a solid and reliable unit on the battlefield.

4) Celestar Ballista


Point cost 110 points

The Celestar Ballista is a powerful artillery unit that can deal massive damage to enemy units from a distance. It has a Celestar Ballista, which is a ranged weapon that has a -1 Rend and deals D6 damage.

With a movement of 3″, 6 wounds, and a 3+ save, the Celestar Ballista is a durable and effective unit on the battlefield.

3) Vanguard-Palladors


Point cost: 220 points

Vanguard-Palladors are fast-moving cavalry units that can quickly move across the battlefield and strike at their enemies. They are armed with Starstrike Javelins and Shock Handaxes, which are melee weapons that have a -1 Rend and deal 1 damage each.

They also have the ability to Fly and use Ride the Winds Aetheric, which allows them to move across the battlefield in a flash. With a movement of 14″, 5 wounds, and a 4+ save, Vanguard-Palladors are a great unit for hit-and-run tactics.

2) Evocators


Point cost: 200 points

Evocators are powerful wizards who can unleash devastating magical attacks on their enemies. They wield Tempest Blades and Stormstaves, which are melee weapons that have a -1 Rend and deal 1 damage each.

They also have the ability to cast Arcane Bolt, which is a ranged attack that deals D3 damage. With a movement of 5″, 3 wounds, and a 4+ save, Evocators are a versatile and powerful unit on the battlefield.

1) Lord-Celestant on Stardrake


Point cost: 560 points

The Lord-Celestant on Stardrake is a powerful unit in the Stormcast Eternals army in Age of Sigmar. It is a single model mounted on a massive dragon-like creature called a Stardrake. This unit is considered one of the best in the Stormcast Eternals army due to its incredible durability, mobility, and damage output.

The Lord-Celestant on Stardrake has a high number of wounds and a strong save, making it very difficult for opponents to take down.

Additionally, it has several abilities that make it even more durable, such as the Gryph-charger trait, which allows it to ignore wounds on a roll of 6.

The Stardrake is a flying unit, which gives it a lot of mobility and allows it to move around the battlefield quickly. This makes it great for capturing objectives or getting into position to attack key targets.

In terms of damage output, the Lord-Celestant on Stardrake is a powerful combat unit, with a high number of attacks and a strong melee profile.

It also has several abilities that make it even more deadly, such as the Storm Breath ability, which allows it to deal mortal wounds to multiple units at once.

Overall, the Lord-Celestant on Stardrake is a versatile and powerful unit that can be used in a variety of different ways on the battlefield. Its combination of durability, mobility, and damage output make it a top choice for many Stormcast Eternals players.