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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Sylvaneth Units

If you’re looking to build a Sylvaneth army in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, it’s important to choose the right units to suit your playstyle.

The Sylvaneth faction is known for their unique blend of speed, durability, and versatility, making them a formidable force on the battlefield.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the top 10 best units for the Sylvaneth army, providing actionable insights and analysis to help you build a competitive army.

10) Sisters of the Thorn


Points: 130-140

Sisters of the Thorn are a fast and agile unit that can be used to harass enemy units and capture objectives.

With access to a range of spells and a high casting value, Sisters of the Thorn can also provide a range of support abilities to your army.

Their “Thornwhip” ability also allows them to deal mortal wounds to nearby enemies, making them a valuable addition to any Sylvaneth army.

9) Spirit of Durthu


Points: 400

The Spirit of Durthu is a towering treeman that possesses incredible strength, durability, and the ability to deal damage in both ranged and melee combat.

The Spirit of Durthu has a high number of wounds and a strong save, making it difficult to take down on the battlefield.

It also has a powerful ranged attack in the form of its Spirit of Durthu’s Sword, which can deal significant damage to enemy units at range. In melee combat, the Spirit of Durthu has a strong profile and the ability to deal mortal wounds on a 6+ to hit.

Additionally, the Spirit of Durthu has several powerful abilities, such as the ability to heal itself and other units, and the ability to summon units of Sylvaneth to the battlefield.

8) Treelord


Points: 240

Treelords are durable and hard-hitting units that can be used to deal with a range of threats.

With a high damage output and a range of powerful abilities, including “Groundshaking Stomp” and “Impaling Talons,” Treelords can be a formidable force on the battlefield.

Their “Sylvaneth Keyword” also allows them to benefit from a range of Sylvaneth abilities, making them a versatile and effective unit.

7) Treelord Ancient


Points: 300

Treelord Ancients are a powerful melee combatant that can provide a range of support abilities to your army. With access to a range of spells and a high damage output, Treelord Ancients can be used to deal with a range of threats.

Their “Regrowth” ability also allows them to heal nearby units, making them a valuable addition to any Sylvaneth army.

6) Branchwraith


Points: 80

Branchwraiths are a powerful wizard unit that can provide a range of support abilities to your army.

With access to a range of spells and a high casting value, Branchwraiths have numerous uses. Some examples are the ability to heal nearby units, summon additional units to the battlefield, and deal mortal wounds to nearby enemies.

Their low point cost also makes them an ideal choice for filling out your army and providing additional support.

5) Spite-Revenants


Points: 60-70

Spite-Revenants are a cheap and effective unit that can be used to harass enemy units and capture objectives.

With their “Spiteful Strike” ability, they can also deal mortal wounds to nearby enemies, making them a valuable addition to any Sylvaneth army. Their low point cost also makes them an ideal choice for filling out your army and providing additional support.

4) Tree-Revenants


Points: 80-90

Tree-Revenants are a fast and agile unit that can be used to harass enemy units and capture objectives.

With their “Tanglethorn Thicket” ability, they can also deal mortal wounds to nearby enemies, making them a versatile and effective unit. Their low point cost also makes them an ideal choice for filling out your army and providing additional support.

3) Drycha Hamadreth


Points: 300

Drycha Hamadreth is a unique unit that provides a range of powerful abilities to your army. With access to a range of spells and a powerful melee attack, Drycha can deal with a range of threats.

Her “Hornet’s Stings” ability allows her to deal mortal wounds to nearby enemies, while her “Squirmlings” ability allows her to summon additional units to the battlefield. With a range of powerful abilities and a high damage output, Drycha is a valuable addition to any Sylvaneth army.

2) Kurnoth Hunters


Points: 180-200

Kurnoth Hunters are the backbone of many Sylvaneth armies, providing a durable and hard-hitting unit that can deal with a range of threats.

With a range of weapon options, including bows, scythes, and greatswords, Kurnoth Hunters can be tailored to suit a variety of roles. Their “Sylvaneth Keyword” also allows them to benefit from a range of Sylvaneth abilities, making them a versatile and effective unit.

1) Alarielle the Everqueen


Points: 660

Alarielle the Everqueen is the powerful Sylvaneth unit in Age of Sigmar due to her incredible durability, mobility, and ability to heal and buff other units.

She has a high number of wounds and a strong save, making her difficult to take down on the battlefield.

She also has the ability to fly and move quickly, allowing her to quickly move around the battlefield and engage with enemy units. In combat, she has a strong melee profile and the ability to deal mortal wounds on a 6+ to hit.

Additionally, Alarielle has several powerful abilities, such as the ability to heal herself and other units, grant nearby units additional attacks or bonuses to hit, and summon units of Sylvaneth to the battlefield.

Overall, Alarielle is a highly versatile and deadly unit that can be used effectively in a variety of situations, particularly when the focus is on healing and buffing other units.