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Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Top 10 Best Tzeentch Units

The Tzeentch army is one of the four Chaos armies in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. It is led by the Chaos God Tzeentch, who is the master of magic, change, and deception.

The army is made up of a variety of creatures, from daemons to mortals, all of whom are united in their desire to bring about change and chaos in the mortal realms.

Known for its versatility and unpredictability. It is able to use magic to manipulate the battlefield, summon reinforcements, and transform its units into more powerful forms.

It is also able to use deception and trickery to outmaneuver its opponents and gain the upper hand in battle.

10) Changecaster


The Changecaster is a Herald of Tzeentch unit that belongs to the Disciples of Tzeentch army. It has a 5+ save and 6 wounds, and is armed with a Ritual Dagger, Magical Flames, and a Staff of Change.

In terms of abilities, the Changecaster has the “Mastery of Magic” ability, which allows it to cast and unbind one spell in each of your hero phases. It also has the “Chaos Runes” ability, which allows it to reroll failed casting rolls for one spell per turn.

Overall a versatile unit that can cast spells, deal damage at range, and hold its own in melee combat. It is best used as a support unit for other Tzeentch units, providing magical buffs and offensive firepower from a safe distance.

9) Fateweaver


The Fateweaver is actually two separate models that are sold together as a single unit: Kairos Fateweaver and the Blue Scribes. Kairos Fateweaver is a massive, two-headed daemon with the power to see into the future and manipulate fate. The Blue Scribes are a pair of smaller daemons that record the secrets of magic and can use them to cast spells.

Sporting a number of powerful abilities that make him a formidable presence on the battlefield, the Fateweaver is truly powerful.

He has a 4+ save and 16 wounds, making him difficult to take down.

He is armed with a Staff of Change and can cast and unbind three spells per turn.

As well as this, he also has the “Oracle of Eternity” ability, which allows him to reroll any failed hit, wound, or save rolls once per turn.

In addition, he can use his “Fateweaver” ability to manipulate the outcome of dice rolls, potentially changing the course of the game

8) Blue Scribes


The Blue Scribes have a 5+ save and 6 wounds, and they are armed with a Scroll of Dark Arts and a pair of Arcane Tomes. They also have the “Scribes of the Hidden Library” ability, which allows them to record the spells cast by enemy wizards and use them later in the game.

In terms of their spell-stealing abilities, the Blue Scribes can also cast spells of their own. They can cast and unbind one spell per turn.

Also, they have access to a unique spell called “Scribing Scrivening,” which allows them to steal a spell from an enemy wizard within 18″ and use it themselves.

7) Screamers of Tzeentch


The Screamers of Tzeentch have a 4+ save and 6 wounds each, and they are armed with a set of Lamprey Bites and a pair of Warpflame Scream attacks. The Lamprey Bites have a range of 1″ and can be used to make 2 attacks that hit on a 4+ and have a rend of -1. The Warpflame Scream attacks have a range of 6″ and can be used to make D3 attacks that hit on a 4+ and have a rend of -1.

As well as their offensive capabilities, the Screamers of Tzeentch are incredibly fast. They have a movement speed of 14″, which allows them to quickly move across the battlefield and engage enemy units.

They also have the “Fly” ability, which allows them to move over other models and terrain features as if they weren’t there.

6) Kairic Acolytes


Kairic Acolytes are a unit of human cultists of Tzeentch in Age of Sigmar, also known as the Chanters of Change. They are part of the Tzeentch Arcanites faction and are considered one of the best units in the army due to their versatility and ability to deal a high amount of damage.

Kairic Acolytes are able to harness their collective magical might, unleashing it in the form of searing bolts. They are able to cast the Arcane Bolt spell, which deals a mortal wound to an enemy unit within 18 inches. Additionally, they have the Gestalt Sorcery ability, which allows them to swell their arcane power to new levels when nine or more Kairic Acolytes are within medium range of each other.

Kairic Acolytes are also versatile in combat, with a good melee profile and the ability to deal mortal wounds with their weapons. They are able to be taken in units of up to 30, making them a great choice for filling out battleline requirements.

Also relatively cheap in terms of points cost, making them an efficient choice for building an army.

5) Flamers of Tzeentch


The Flamers of Tzeentch are a unit in the Age of Sigmar tabletop game, and they are part of the Disciples of Tzeentch army. They are daemonic creatures that resemble bird-like creatures made of fire, and they are armed with a variety of powerful weapons and abilities that make them a versatile and deadly unit on the battlefield.

On their datasheet, you’ll find a 5+ save and 6 wounds each, and they are armed with a set of Warpflame Projectors.

The Warpflame Projectors have a range of 18″ and can be used to make D6 attacks that hit on a 4+ and have a rend of -1.

As well as this, they have the “Warpflame” ability, which means that any unit that suffers any unsaved wounds from the Warpflame Projectors must take a mortal wound at the end of the phase.

4) Pink Horrors


Pink Horrors are daemonic creatures that resemble floating blobs of pink flesh with tentacles and a single eye, and they are armed with a variety of powerful weapons and abilities that make them a versatile and deadly unit on the battlefield.

Fielding a 5+ save and 1 wound each, they make up for their lack of durability with their unique abilities. Each model is armed with a pair of Pink Fire, which have a range of 18″ and can be used to make 1 attack that hits on a 4+ and has a rend of -1.

Additionally, one model in the unit can be armed with a magical weapon called a Icon of Chaos, which has a range of 18″ and can be used to make 1 attack that hits on a 4+ and has a rend of -1.

3) Tzaangors


Tzaangors have a 4+ save and 1 wound each, but they make up for their lack of durability with their unique abilities. Each model is armed with a pair of Savage Blades, which have a range of 1″ and can be used to make 2 attacks that hit on a 4+ and have no rend.

In addition, one model in the unit can be armed with a magical weapon called a Brayhorn, which has a range of 1″ and can be used to make 1 attack that hits on a 4+ and has no rend.

Tzaangors also have a number of unique abilities that make them a versatile unit on the battlefield. They have the “Arcanite Shield” ability, which gives them a 5+ save against mortal wounds.

They also have the “Vicious Beak” ability, which allows them to make 1 additional attack with their beak if they roll a 6+ to hit with their Savage Blades.

Finally, they have the “Tzaangor Blades” ability, which allows them to add 1 to their hit rolls if they are within 9″ of a friendly Tzaangor Shaman.

2) Gaunt Summoner


The Gaunt Summoner has a 5+ save and 6 wounds, and it is armed with a magical staff called the Staff of Change. The Staff of Change has a range of 18″ and can be used to make 1 attack that hits on a 4+ and has a rend of -1.

In addition, the Gaunt Summoner has a unique ability called “Tzeentchian Runes,” which allows it to add 1 to its casting rolls for each other friendly unit with the Tzeentch keyword within 9″.

A powerful spellcaster, it has access to a variety of powerful spells from the Lore of Fate and the Lore of Change.

These spells allow it to control the battlefield, buff friendly units, and debuff enemy units. Some of its most powerful spells include “Infernal Flames,” which deals mortal wounds to enemy units, and “Glimpse the Future,” which allows friendly units to reroll hit rolls of 1.

1) The Lord of Change


The Lord of Change has a 4+ save and 16 wounds, and it is armed with a variety of powerful weapons, including a Staff of Tzeentch, a Rod of Sorcery, and a massive pair of Razor-sharp Talons. The Staff of Tzeentch has a range of 18″ and can be used to make 1 attack that hits on a 4+ and has a rend of -1.

The Rod of Sorcery has a range of 12″ and can be used to cast a variety of powerful spells from the Lore of Change.

Razor-sharp Talons are a pair of melee weapons that can be used to make 4 attacks that hit on a 3+ and have a rend of -2.

A powerful and versatile unit in the Disciples of Tzeentch army. Its powerful weapons, spells, and abilities, combined with its massive size and durability, make it a formidable force on the battlefield, and it is particularly effective when used in conjunction with other Tzeentchian units and heroes.